Marching Strong: How BJJ and Martial Arts Keep Your New Year's Resolutions Alive

Mar 4, 2024

 by Michael Ford


As March rolls in, the initial fervor of New Year's resolutions may start to dwindle for some. However, at Surge Kickboxing, we believe that March is the perfect time to reassess, recommit, and reignite the fire within to achieve your fitness goals. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of sticking to your resolutions in March and how Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and martial arts can be the key to keeping that momentum alive.

  1. Reassess and Refine: March serves as an excellent checkpoint to assess your progress and adjust your goals if necessary. Take a moment to reflect on what's working well and identify areas for improvement. At Surge Kickboxing, our commitment is not just about physical fitness but also about overall well-being. BJJ and martial arts provide a holistic approach, addressing both physical and mental health.

  2. Combatting Plateaus with Variety: One common reason resolutions may falter is the monotony of the routine. Boredom can set in, leading to a lack of motivation. Martial arts, such as kickboxing and BJJ, offer diverse and engaging training sessions. The variety in techniques and drills keeps things interesting, making it easier to stick to your fitness routine.

  3. Setting Achievable Milestones: Break down your resolutions into smaller, achievable milestones. Whether it's mastering a new BJJ technique or reaching a specific fitness level, setting and celebrating these smaller goals can keep you motivated throughout the year. Surge Kickboxing's supportive community and skilled instructors can guide you every step of the way.

  4. The Mind-Body Connection: BJJ and martial arts emphasize the connection between the mind and body. Practicing mindfulness and being present during training not only enhances your physical performance but also fosters mental resilience. This mind-body harmony can positively impact other aspects of your life, helping you stay focused on your resolutions.

  5. Building a Supportive Community: March is an excellent time to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share similar fitness goals. Joining a martial arts community, such as Surge Kickboxing, provides a support system that encourages accountability and camaraderie. Training alongside others fosters a sense of belonging, making it more likely that you'll stay committed to your resolutions.

  6. Learn Discipline and Patience: Achieving long-term goals requires discipline and patience. Martial arts instill these virtues by emphasizing consistent training, hard work, and perseverance. The journey itself becomes as important as the destination, teaching you valuable life skills that extend beyond the mat.


As March unfolds, remember that it's never too late to recommit to your New Year's resolutions. At Surge Kickboxing, we understand the challenges that come with staying on track, and that's why we advocate for the transformative power of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and martial arts. These disciplines offer a dynamic and fulfilling way to achieve your fitness goals while nurturing mental well-being. March on with determination, and let the surge of martial arts propel you towards a stronger, healthier, and more resilient version of yourself.